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CatholicCare Victoria

Property Dispute Resolution

Resolving property and finance disputes for separated families

Property Dispute Resolution (PDR) provides mediation for separated couples and families to negotiate the division of property and finances.

PDR is a cost-effective option for resolving disputes, as an alternative to court.

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Separated couple meeting with a Property Dispute Resolution Practitioner.

Save money and reduce the stress involved with separation

Our qualified practitioners assist separated couples and families to negotiate the division of assets and liabilities, taking into account each party’s contribution to the relationship and their future financial needs.

The benefits of engaging with the Property Dispute Resolution process include:

  • a comprehensive negotiation between parties outside the court environment
  • agreements can be formalised quicker
  • reduced conflict
  • preservation of a cooperative parenting relationship
  • cost savings compared to court process
Mediation involves intake appointments plus joint mediation sessions

The resolution process involves an initial intake appointment for each party and then joint PDR sessions. 

Each intake appointment will take 1.5 hours with a following joint session up to two hours. Depending on the complexity, some matters may require a number of dispute resolution sessions.

If agreement is made, a number of options for recording the division of assets can be considered, for example an informal agreement, a Binding Financial Agreement (BFA) or Consent Orders approved by the court.

Before any agreement is confirmed it is recommended that each party consult their solicitor.

How do I access this service?

Separated couples and families can access the Property Dispute Resolution service by calling one of our offices below.

Community service organisations can also make referrals into the PDR service by contacting us.

Interpreter services can be arranged if required.


Property Dispute Resolution services are subsidised by the Commonwealth Government. A means-tested co-contribution is required from those accessing the service.

The charge for PDR sessions are dependent on your income. Concession card / Health Care card holders and students are applicable for a reduced fee.

At CatholicCare Victoria we believe everyone should be able to access support for a better life. If you are experiencing financial hardship, we can discuss payment options for you.

More information

 Family Law Solicitors in Ballarat, Wimmera & Mildura:

Family Law Solicitors 

Client Rights and Responsibilities 

Contact us

Property Dispute Resolution is offered at the following locations.
To make a booking or enquire about this service, please select your nearest office.

Ballarat FRCBendigoShepparton


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